Cancer Ribbon Colors: The Ultimate Guide
signs of prostate problems in men :: Article Creator 'A Laser Zapped My Prostate' by ROGER DOBSON, Daily Mail A new green-light laser treatment for benign prostate disease takes only 20 minutes and reduces the risk of side-effects, including impotence and incontinence. The laser is attracted to red blood cells, which means that when it is pointed at the prostate it attacks only the gland itself and not the surrounding, lighter-coloured area, which may contain nerves and other delicate tissue. The treatment requires no overnight hospital stay and cuts recovery time, with some men returning to work the day after the operation rather than up to six weeks later as with some treatments. Benign prostate disease is a big health problem. As men get older, the prostate gland - which lies just beneath the bladder - may begin to grow, and the enlargement can eventually cause problems because as it gets bigger, the gland may pinch off the urethra. The p...