Prostate cancer warning: Five symptoms you may be ignoring - including this sexual symptom - Express

Prostate cancer is the most common type of cancer to be diagnosed in men, in the UK. The diseases affects the prostate - a small gland that’s found in the pelvis in men. It’s not always easy to know if you’re at risk of prostate cancer, as the symptoms tend to develop very slowly over a long period of time. You could be at risk of prostate cancer if you suddenly find yourself needing to pass urine more often than normal, it’s been revealed.

Recent urination could be one of the earliest warning signs of prostate cancer, said medical website Cancer.Net.

It may be caused by the tumour growing large enough to put pressure on the urethra - the tube that carries urine from the bladder.

This pressure could also lead to hesitancy when starting to pass urine, or having a particularly weak flow of urine.

“Often, early-stage prostate cancer has no symptoms or signs,” it said. “It is usually found through a PSA test or DRE, a process called screening.

“When prostate cancer does cause symptoms or signs, it is usually diagnosed in a later stage.

“These symptoms and signs may include frequent urination, weak or interrupted urine flow, or the need to strain to empty the bladder.

“Sometimes men with prostate cancer do not have any of these changes.

“Other noncancerous conditions of the prostate, such as an enlarged prostate, can cause similar symptoms.”

You could also be at risk of prostate cancer if you develop erectile dysfunction, it warned.

But, most men occasionally fail to get or maintain an erection. This could be due to stress, anxiety, or drinking too much alcohol.

Finding blood in your urine or semen may also be a sign of prostate cancer, and should be checked by a doctor.

The exact cause of prostate cancer isn’t entirely known, said the NHS. But you could have a higher risk of developing the condition if you have a family history of prostate cancer symptoms.

Obesity may increase your chances of the disease, while there is some evidence that a diet high in calcium could raise your risk.

You should speak to a doctor straight away if you’re worried about the symptoms of prostate cancer, or if you think you may be at risk.

Around 50,000 new cases of prostate cancer are diagnosed every year in the UK.

But 84 per cent of all patients live for at least another 10 years after their initial diagnosis, said Cancer Research UK.


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