Stage 3 Cancer: Definition, Diagnosis, Treatment, Prognosis
This Is One Unexpected Sign Of Colon Cancer That Doctors Urge People Not To Ignore
With more and more young people being diagnosed with colorectal cancer, it's natural to be nervous about the disease.
Rates of colorectal cancer in people under 50 have been increasing since the 1990s, according to Dr. Michael Cecchini, a co-director of the colorectal program at the Center for Gastrointestinal Cancers and medical oncologist at Yale Cancer Center.
The exact reason why rates are increasing is unknown. Experts "think it's something lifestyle and environmental, but exactly what that is, we don't know," Cecchini said. Researchers are investigating what could be happening. In the meantime, it's important that you stay alert about colorectal cancer ― even if you're young.
Part of this is knowing the warning signs. And there's one surprising symptom in particular that's been gaining attention on social media: pencil-thin poop.
As one TikTok user explained on the platform, she noticed that her stools were thinner than normal, along with other red-flag symptoms like unexplained weight loss and diarrhea. She thought that she had irritable bowel syndrome, so she didn't go to the doctor at first. When she finally did, she was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer.
Here's what experts say about this particular issue:Narrow stool can be a red flag.
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Doctors will sometimes see patients whose "stools are much thinner, or they're pencil in thickness and size, which is a description that some patients with colorectal cancer will have," Cecchini said.
This tends to occur if tumors are present near the end of the colon or if they line the entire inside of the colon, which narrows whatever stool passes through, Cecchini explained.
Healthy stool should be long and sausage-shaped, according to Medical News Today, and come out as one piece or several smaller pieces. What's most concerning is when thin stools are a new change that's persistent, said Dr. Jeffrey Dueker, a gastroenterologist at UPMC and an associate professor of gastroenterology at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine.
According to Dueker, any noticeable alteration in your bowel habits could be a potential red flag (but, he stressed, is not always a sign of colon cancer). In addition to a change in stool shape or consistency, this can include going to the bathroom more or less often.
Pencil-thin poop is one of the less common signs of colorectal cancer. "When it exists, it is highly concerning," Cecchini said. "It's just not one of the more common symptoms of the disease." The more widespread signs are blood in the stool and abdominal pain. Unintentional weight loss is another sign. And some cases of colorectal cancer have no symptoms at all.
If you notice any symptoms, you should tell your doctor.
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You should never discount your symptoms, Cecchini said, if you notice blood in your stool, chronic abdominal pain, a change in bowel movements, or unexplained weight loss, it's important that you tell your doctor.
"It's very easy in younger individuals to think, 'Oh, it's just hemorrhoids,' or something like that ... And it may be, but also those things can coexist," said Cecchini. "People certainly have hemorrhoids and cancer, or it can be something else completely."
In general, getting a colonoscopy or another colorectal cancer screening is the best way to lower your risk or catch it in the early stages. You can undergo "screening with colonoscopy or stool-based tests," Cecchini said. Chat with your doctor to determine the best screening for you.
For most people, screenings start at 45. But if you have any of the symptoms mentioned above or meet certain criteria, you may be eligible for a colonoscopy before 45, Dueker said.
"Anyone with a first-degree relative — mother, father, brother, sister, son or daughter — that has had colon cancer, especially if that person was diagnosed before the age of 50, is going to be at higher risk for colorectal cancer because of that family history, and should speak to their doctor about when they should start getting colonoscopies," Dueker explained.
If you've had inflammatory bowel disease or radiation treatment to the pelvic or abdominal area, or if you have certain genetic syndromes or a personal history of colon cancer, you would also want to get a colonoscopy before 45, Dueker noted.
Suffice to say, it's important to keep your doctor informed of your medical history and any potential issues you might be experiencing. But while you should take all of this seriously, you also shouldn't panic.
"All of these symptoms don't necessarily mean ... You have colon cancer," said Dueker. Instead, they could mean that a colonoscopy is necessary to determine what is going on. And while the cause could be colon cancer or a precancerous polyp, detecting the disease early is the best way to manage it.
"It's important to catch cancer early through screening or alerting to some of ... These symptoms so that we diagnose cancer at an earlier stage, where it's more treatable and hopefully curable," Cecchini said. "We still cure the majority of people with this cancer every year."This article originally appeared on HuffPost.
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Colon Cancer Survivor Ignored Early Symptoms, But Shares His Story To Help Others
FOX 2 (WJBK) - A Rochester Hills man says his body was trying to tell him something was wrong, but in his late 40s he ignored symptoms and it cost him a lot.
He hopes telling his story will make a difference.
Jason Maman's love for motorcycles has not changed, but the way the 50-year-old now lives and looks at life is in fact, very different. He used to spend most of his time in a hot kitchen.
"I ran many restaurants in Metro Detroit for the past 25 years, mostly high-end stuff, and then cancer came and I couldn't do that kind of work anymore," he said.
In 2019, shortly before the Covid pandemic, Jason began to suffer from ongoing, severe abdominal pains.
"By November of that year, there was blood in my stool, I lost weight significantly in a short amount of time without a change to my eating habits," he said. "That's when I got scared - so, scared into seeing a doctor, basically."
Jason is 46, and immediately ordered to get his first colonoscopy. The procedure that sends a camera twisting and turning through about five feet of the colon.
The goal is to find precancerous growths and remove them. In Jason's case, doctors discover stage 3 cancer.
"He had a rectal cancer, and it was a very low rectal cancer," said Dr. Claire Peeples.
Peeples, a Corewell Health East colorectal surgeon, starts attacking Jason's cancer with both chemotherapy and radiation to shrink the tumors.
But at the same time, Jason's wife got her own diagnosis.
"My wife was diagnosed with breast cancer two weeks after I was diagnosed with this," he said. "So she went through a double mastectomy, and her own chemo and things like that.
"In a way it was a blessing, because we didn't have time to react. It was just, get to this appointment, go to see this doctor, and go to this procedure. So there was no time for 'poor me' - it was just taking care of business, taking care of our kids, supporting each other through the whole thing. And then all of a sudden, the dust cleared and we're both cancer-free."
Jason Maman and his wife
Ultimately Jason would also require life-altering surgery to rid his body of the cancer. He had parts of his intestine, colon and rectum removed.
"I'm like a Ken doll on the backside if that's not being too graphic," he said. "I have the permanent ostomy bag that hangs off my stomach," Jason said.
He wishes he could go back and go to a doctor as soon as the symptoms showed up.
Jason's colon is now permanently rerouted to that bag. It is a tough reality he has to accept, but he shares this very personal struggle in hopes this won't happen to anyone else.
"It takes an hour to get a test and they'll tell you right afterward what's going on - it's that quick," he said. "That's my only and biggest regret not getting it checked out."
"I think his thoughts were, 'Well, I'm young and there's probably nothing going on with me,' so he kind of put it off," said Dr. Peeples.
But it's a fact - colorectal cancer is on the rise among younger adults, which is why Dr. Peeples wants everyone to talk about what might seem like unspeakable symptoms.
"If any signs of bleeding, or change in your bowel habits with constipation or diarrhea check with your doctor," she said. "Because I don't hesitate nowadays to consider ... Everyone that walks into my office if they are not up-to-date on their colonoscopy, or have not had a colonoscopy, I am always thinking that in the back of my mind."
"It's a cliche, but if it helps one person it's worth it," he said.
The age of 45 is now the recommended age for colon cancer screening. Now Jason actually has a family history so had he gone to his doctor, he could have gotten a screening regardless of his age.
What raises your risk for colorectal cancer? There are some lifestyle factors:
Eating processed foods
A sedentary lifestyle
But remember, a colonoscopy is a very good screening if you start to get concerned about symptoms.
Jason Maman
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Rising Cases Of Colon Cancer In Young Adults: Doctor Lists Down The Most Common Causes And Symptoms
Colon cancer, once considered predominantly a disease of older adults, is increasingly affecting younger individuals. This concerning trend underscores the importance of understanding the causes behind it and recognising the symptoms, particularly in those under the age of 50.
We spoke to our expert Dr Vivek Mangla, Senior Director - Gastrointestinal and Hepatopancreatobiliary (GI & HPB) Surgical Oncology, Max Super Speciality Hospital - Patparganj to shed some light on the common causes and symptoms of colon cancer in young adults. Here is what he shared with us.
Contributing Factors to Colon Cancer Among Young Adults 1. Lifestyle ChoicesPoor dietary habits, such as consuming processed foods and red meats while lacking in fibre intake, have been linked to an increased risk of colon cancer. Additionally, a sedentary lifestyle and being overweight or obese can lead to inflammation in the colon and alterations in gut health, creating an environment conducive to cancer development.
2. Genetic PredispositionIndividuals with a family history of colon cancer or specific inherited genetic conditions, such as Lynch syndrome or familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP), are at a heightened risk. Furthermore, individuals with ulcerative colitis require regular surveillance due to their increased susceptibility to colon cancer.
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3. Recognising Symptoms of Colon Cancer in Young AdultsChanges in Bowel Habits: Symptoms may include diarrhoea or constipation.
Presence of Blood in Stools: This is a concerning symptom that should prompt immediate medical attention.
Abdominal Pain or Cramps: Persistent discomfort in the abdominal area may be indicative of colon cancer.
Unexplained Weight Loss: Significant weight loss without apparent cause warrants investigation.
Fatigue: Persistent fatigue that does not improve with rest may be a symptom of colon cancer.
Feeling of Incomplete Bowel Emptying: This sensation after using the restroom may indicate an underlying issue.
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4. Importance of Early Detection and ScreeningAccording to Dr Mangla, "Routine evaluations, including colonoscopies, are recommended for younger individuals experiencing symptoms or those at increased risk due to family history or other factors."
"Early detection significantly improves treatment outcomes, reduces the duration and cost of treatment, and facilitates a quicker return to normal activities," he added.
A Final Word"The rising incidence of colon cancer among young adults highlights the importance of adopting healthy lifestyle practices and undergoing regular screenings. By addressing modifiable risk factors and promptly addressing symptoms, individuals can take proactive steps toward preserving their health and well-being. Early detection remains key in the fight against colon cancer, empowering individuals to seek timely treatment and improve their chances of a successful outcome," Dr Mangla concluded.
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