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Early Symptoms Of Breast Cancer You Shouldn't Ignore

Alanna Gretschel

When people think about breast cancer detection, they usually think about finding a lump in one of their breasts. While it is a possible sign, it isn't the only one — and it may not be the first thing you notice.

There are a few early symptoms of breast cancer to watch out for. Regular checkups, mammograms and being familiar with the look and feel of your breasts can all help you catch it early while it's easier to treat.

Getting to know

your breasts

Your breasts change over time, whether from monthly hormone fluctuations or age. Experts previously recommended monthly self-exams to check for early signs of breast cancer, but newer research suggests focusing on overall breast self-awareness.

Knowing what's normal for your breasts is the most important thing. Getting to know your body makes it easier to notice any changes over time.

This could be as simple as paying attention while getting dressed for the day or performing a more structured self-exam — whatever helps you build up your self-awareness.

Here's how to do a breast self-exam:

1. Choose a time when your breasts are the least tender or swollen like the week after your period ends.

2. Start by looking in a mirror with your arms at your sides. Do you notice any visual changes in your breasts' appearance? What about when you raise your arms above your head?

3. Lie down and place one hand behind your head. Use your other hand to feel your opposite breast.

4. Apply different levels of pressure with the pads of your fingers, moving in a clockwise or up and down pattern. Make sure to examine your entire breast area — including your armpit.

5. Gently squeeze your nipple to check for discharge.

6. Repeat this process on the other side.

To make it easier for your fingers to slide around your skin, you can examine your breasts while standing in the shower.

Early symptoms of breast cancer

If you do notice any changes in your breasts, it doesn't automatically mean it's cancer. It's always best to talk to your doctor, especially if you spot any of the following signs:

1. Visible changes in the nipple or skin

After puberty, your nipples remain fairly consistent in shape, size and color. Generally, there shouldn't be any sudden changes with your nipples or skin. Let your doctor know if you notice:

— A red, itchy or scaly rash

— Inversion or sucking-in of the nipple

— Dimpling, puckering or other changes in the skin on or around the nipple

As breast cancer progresses, it grows and pushes other things out of the way. This can cause changes in the breast, skin and nipple as the breast's internal structure changes.

2. Swelling

It's completely normal for your breasts to become tender or swell during menstruation. But if you notice tenderness and swelling unrelated to your period or that lasts longer than a week, let your doctor know.

If you have persistent swelling in your breasts or discoloration, it's a good idea to see your doctor. Swelling is your body's version of an alarm. In the case of breast cancer, it could be irritating or blocking normal breast function and cause swelling. Lumps by themselves are usually not painful, but they can sometimes cause swelling that is.

3. Nipple discharge

Discharge from the nipple, while not always a cause for immediate concern, should be checked out by a doctor, especially if it's a new symptom for you.

Is the discharge bloody, clear or milky? Does it happen even without the nipple being squeezed? Is it only coming from one breast?

Discharge can be caused by a few different things, and it isn't an extremely common symptom of breast cancer. But it's still a good idea to get it looked at.

What to do if you spot a

possible sign of breast cancer

Don't panic. If you notice a change in your breast, it doesn't necessarily mean you have breast cancer. Some of these changes may be a result of benign, or non-cancerous, breast conditions.

If you notice any change at all, especially one occurring in only one breast, it's a good idea to reach out to your primary care provider or gynecologist. They can help you pinpoint the cause and come up with a plan to keep your breasts healthy. To learn more about breast cancer care at Geisinger, visit geisinger.Org/breastcare.

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Dr. Alanna Gretschel, DO, works in general surgery, breast, at Geisinger.

What A Doctor Wishes Women Knew About Their Breasts

CNN  — 

It's time to think about your breasts — not just this month because it's Breast Cancer Awareness Month, but every month.

One in 8 women will be diagnosed with invasive breast cancer in their lifetimes, according to the American Cancer Society. Breast cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death for women in the United States, with 42,000 women dying every year from this cancer.

These numbers are especially sobering because when breast cancer is caught in its earliest stages, the five-year survival rate is as high as 99%. This is why screening is so important, including for younger women, whose rate of breast cancer diagnosis has been increasing in recent years.

Women need to know when to start screening for breast cancer. Besides a mammogram, should other tests be done? Who should begin screening earlier? Should women do self-exams, and if so, what should they be looking for? What kinds of normal changes should women expect in their breasts over time? Are there steps women can take to reduce their risk of breast cancer? And what should men do?

To help us answer these questions, I spoke with CNN wellness expert Dr. Leana Wen. Wen is an emergency physician and adjunct associate professor at George Washington University. She previously was Baltimore's health commissioner.

CNN: When should women start screening for breast cancer?

Dr. Leana Wen: Most women should receive a mammogram beginning at age 40 every other year until they reach age 74, according to a recent US Preventive Services Task Force recommendation. (For those 75 and above, the task force concluded that there was insufficient evidence to recommend for or against mammography on a population level. Patients should discuss individual circumstances with their provider.)

This was a substantial change from earlier guidance, which was to start every other year mammograms at age 50. This change was made in part because of reports that cancer diagnoses have been increasing among younger people.

CNN: Should other tests besides the mammogram be done?

Wen: It's important to separate screening from diagnosis. Screening is done when there are no symptoms. If someone has a positive screening test, additional studies may be done to further determine if this could be cancer.

Depending on the patient's risk factors, they may receive additional screening tests. For instance, someone with multiple first-degree relatives with breast cancer may be recommended for genetic testing. An individual with prior abnormal results, or who otherwise has a higher risk of breast cancer, may have tests done in addition to the mammogram, such as a breast MRI or ultrasound.

In recent years, there has been a lot of debate among experts about whether younger women with dense breast tissue need these additional screening tests. The American College of Radiology now recommends a breast MRI in some women with dense breast tissue. The US Preventive Services Task Force did not make this recommendation, but this is something that patients can discuss with their physician.

CNN: Who should begin mammograms earlier than age 40? 

Wen: The recommendation to start at age 40 is for women at average risk of breast cancer. Those at higher risk include women with a sister, mother or other first-degree relative with breast cancer. People who have had breast cancer themselves are also at higher risk, as are individuals with prior radiation to the chest from treating other cancers. All these individuals should consult with their primary care provider to determine when they should begin screening, with which tests and at what frequency.

CNN: Should women do self-exams, and if so, what should they be looking for? 

Wen: According to the American Cancer Society, research has not demonstrated a clear benefit of regular self-exams, especially when women are also getting screening mammograms.

That said, women can still pick up on changes they should report to their doctors. They should know how their breasts look and feel, and not delay seeking care if they notice unexpected changes.

The most common symptom of breast cancer is a new mass or lump. Many lumps turn out not to be cancer, but it's crucial to get them checked out.

Other changes that should prompt women to contact their physicians include nipple discharge, pain or swelling, nipple turning inward and changes in color or the breast or nipple. They should also report swollen lymph nodes in the armpits or near the collarbone.

These changes are sometimes detected during daily activities, like showering, brushing hair and getting dressed. This, again, is why women should know how their breasts generally appear and feel, so that they can be on the lookout for any changes.

CNN: What kinds of normal changes should women expect in their breasts over time? 

Wen: There are multiple changes that occur in breast tissue over the course of a woman's lifetime. During puberty, breasts become larger, and the nipple becomes raised. Women who become pregnant experience significant changes before, during and after pregnancy. Many pregnant individuals report breast swelling, soreness and nipple tingling. Blood vessels in the breasts become more visible and the nipple larger and darker.

Many women report that their breasts appear different after childbirth, even after breastfeeding has stopped. Then there are changes that occur as they enter menopause. Breast tissue tends to shrink and lose elasticity.

These are all normal changes that occur as women go through different life phases. Breast size and texture also change slightly during the menstrual cycle. All of this should underscore why women need to be aware of their bodies so that they can be aware of problems that may arise at different points in their lives.

CNN: Are there steps women can take to reduce their risk of breast cancer?

Wen: Risk factors like family history or cancer history cannot be altered, but there are some that can. Quitting smoking and reducing alcohol consumption, for example, can remove two key risk factors for breast cancer (smoking and heavy alcohol use). Getting regular physical activity can also lower overall cancer risk, as can a nutritious diet with less ultraprocessed substances.

CNN: Can men get breast cancer?

Yes. We have been referring primarily to women because breast cancer is far more common among women. However, there are men who are diagnosed with breast cancer as well.

Men who have significant breast cancer history in their family should speak with their physician about screening recommendations and not hesitate to seek care if they notice breast changes.

In addition, all people assigned female at birth should follow recommendations for breast cancer screening as noted above. That includes not only cisgender women but also transgender men and nonbinary people.

Empower Women: Routine Self-breast Exams Detect Early Signs Of Cancer

MemorialCare Breast Center offers expert care and advanced technology to detect and treat breast cancer at its earliest stage

By: Sandy Lopez, RN, program director, MemorialCare Breast Center at Long Beach Medical Center

Self-breast exams are an essential aspect of proactive healthcare, especially for women. This simple, at-home practice can aid in the early detection of breast abnormalities, including lumps or changes in breast tissue, which may indicate the presence of breast cancer. While self-breast exams are not a substitute for regular mammograms, they serve as an additional layer of awareness that empowers individuals to take charge of their breast health.

It is recommended that women perform a self-breast exam once a month. For postmenopausal women, it's best to choose a consistent day each month to perform the exam.

A self-breast exam consists of two aspects: visual inspection and physical examination.

For visual inspection, begin by standing in front of a mirror with your shoulders straight and your arms at your sides. Look for any visible changes in the shape, size, or color of your breasts. This includes any swelling, dimpling of the skin, or changes in the nipple, such as inversion or discharge. Next, raise your arms and repeat the inspection. Finally, place your hands on your hips and press firmly to flex your chest muscles, noting any changes.

The physical examination is typically done while lying down or in the shower. Use the pads of your fingers to check the entire breast area, including the armpit. Follow a systematic pattern, such as moving in a circular motion from the outside to the center or vertical lines, to ensure you cover the whole area. Feel for any lumps, thickening, or hardened knots. Repeat the process on the other breast.

If you detect any changes during your self-exam, it's essential to consult a healthcare professional promptly, regardless of whether you've had a mammogram recently. There are some cases where women have developed breast cancer even just two months after a clear mammogram.

The MemorialCare Breast Center at Long Beach Medical Center provides high-quality, comprehensive, and dedicated breast imaging services. Our MemorialCare Breast Center specializes in the early detection of breast cancer – utilizing state-of-the-art technology for the highest level of breast imaging, including 3D digital mammography, high-resolution breast ultrasound, breast MRI, biopsies, discography, tumor localizations, and bone densitometry.

We have an all-female team of fellowship-trained radiologists focused exclusively on breast imaging and intervention. Studies have shown that this focus results in more accurate imaging interpretation and a higher quality of care.

While many breast changes are benign, only a medical professional can determine their significance. Early detection through self-exams, combined with regular mammogram screenings, significantly improves the chances of successful treatment if cancer is detected.

Need to schedule your next mammogram? Visit memorialcare.Org/lbbreast.


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