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Why Are Young People Being Diagnosed With Cancer In Record Numbers?

In Partnership with Cancer Council Victoria

Beastie Boys' Adam 'MCA' Yauch was diagnosed with a rare throat cancer at the age of 44 and left the music world in shock when he died three years later. While his cancer was rare, the reality is that cancer itself is not as uncommon in young people as we've come to believe. It can strike at any age. Almost one in two of us will be diagnosed with cancer in our lifetimes, but we can no longer view this as just an older person's disease.  

Actress Olivia Munn, who was diagnosed with bilateral breast cancer in 2023 at the age of 43, recently paid tribute to her Violet co-star, Erica Ash, who died from breast cancer this year aged 46. Earlier in the year, Kate Middleton announced to the world she is receiving treatment for an undisclosed cancer diagnosis.

What is causing the rise in young cases is complicated and is likely a mix of genetics, lifestyle choices, environmental exposures, and better screening technology. But the impact of a diagnosis at such a critical stage in life can cause significant psychological challenges for patients and their families. 

"You're suddenly confronted. The penny drops. I was a healthy person and suddenly I'm not," said 38-year-old Melbourne tattooist Bru, after she was diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer.

The financial and physical impacts were significant for Bru during treatment, and she's still psychologically processing her diagnosis. "Life is not the same, because you're a whole different person," she shared. "But you're left with the life you used to have, with the work you used to have."

But just because cancer is a fact of life and a diagnosis at any age is scary, that's far from the same thing as saying that it's inevitable. 

Research is finding more important pieces to the cancer puzzle. Immunotherapy is one major game-changer that is hacking the immune system to kill cancer cells and is already improving survival for melanoma and blood cancer patients. The discovery of genetic mutations that increase cancer risk is giving thousands of people the early warning they need to minimise their risk. And researchers right now are working on ways for everyone to easily and cheaply test their own cancer risk at their local doctor to help manage their healthcare earlier.

So, with bowel cancer, breast cancer, and melanoma being some of the more likely cancers to be diagnosed in young Australians, awareness of these risks and taking immediate action can save your life. Now is the time to really get in tune with our bodies.

Many cancers are preventable and there are things we can do now to bring our risk down: ditching the smokes and vapes, covering up from UV radiation, getting the body moving, and eating right all make a difference.

And the earlier cancer is found, the better the chances of treating it. Cancer screening can find signs of cancer even before you notice any symptoms. Regularly checking your skin is easy, and tuning into your body more often is colossally important. Check for lumps and bumps, or anything that doesn't look, feel, or come out right. And if something seems off, get yourself checked out by a doctor. 

The chapters of modern music are filled with tragic and preventable deaths. The huge loss is deeply felt by fans, but this pales in comparison to the impact on the people closest to them. The mums who lost their sons or daughters, the kids who lost their mum or dad, the sisters and brothers, bandmates and childhood friends.

With almost one in two of us diagnosed with cancer in our lifetimes, all of us will be affected. So, taking a few moments to look out for our health, and the people we care about, is nothing compared to the impact a cancer diagnosis can have. The good news is more people are surviving cancer than ever before by catching it earlier and having access to improved treatments. So don't wait. In the words of Moloko's dance pop anthem, "Give up yourself unto the moment / The time is now."

If you or someone you know has cancer, get free confidential support from a cancer nurse, call 13 11 20.

Throat Cancer

If you are a smoker, you need to be cautious about your health as you are at a high risk of suffering from throat cancer. According to Dr Tapaswini P. Sharma, Senior Consultant, Head & Neck Surgical Oncologist, BLK Cancer Centre, BLK Super Speciality Hospital, New Delhi, throat cancer is quite common in smokers. It is a type of cancer in which the cancerous cells develop in the pharynx or larynx of the throat. Even poor diet habits and exposure to environmental pollutants can up your risk. Here's what Dr Tapaswini explains about throat cancer including causes, risk factors, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and prevention.


Although the exact cause of throat cancer is not known, several factors can increase your likelihood of cancer. Here are some of the common risk factors -

Smoking: In general, people who smoke are at an increased likelihood of throat cancer which accounts for around 5 – 25%. But if you smoke more than a pack of a cigarette in a day, the risk increases by 13 times in a year as compared to those who do not smoke. Even, passive smoking can put you at a high likelihood of throat cancer. Also read about 25 things that happen inside your body when you smoke.

Alcohol: Not many people know that alcohol acts as a potent cocarcinogen -- a compound that can cause cancer. It does so through a series of mechanism that an increase the absorption of toxic substances and production of the enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase thereby imparting the nutrient uptake. Here are few side-effects of alcohol you should know about.

Industrial pollutants: If you are working in industries that produce asbestos, nickel, paint, diesel, leather, coal or tar, you are exposed to various harmful chemicals. These industrial pollutants can take a toll on your health in the long run and also increase your risk of throat cancer.

Nutritional deficiencies: Ever wondered that lack of proper nutrients in your diet can put you at risk of throat cancer? It is estimated that deficiency of beta-carotene, riboflavin, vitamin E and other minerals like iron and selenium can lead to throat cancer. Hence, to lower your risk, load up your intake of fresh fruits and vegetables rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

Although there have been reports that certain diseases can put you at risk of throat cancer, the link is not established.


The symptoms of throat cancer are very vague and may vary depending upon the severity of the disease. The early signs include --

Changes in voice: If you feel slight changes in your voice, which fails to show any sign of improvement over a period of four weeks, even with the use of antibiotics, it could indicate vocal cord carcinoma. And to rule out whether it is benign cancer, non-malignant cancer or inflammation, your doctor might recommend an endoscopy.

Choking/sticky feeling: The sticky feeling in the throat or choking in the upper part of the food passage might signify throat cancer. It could also manifest as the presence of a small lump in the throat that worsens with time.

Pain in the throat: If the severity of the throat pain increases rather than decreasing or if it fails to provide any relief with analgesics or antibiotics, it could be a sign of throat cancer.

Difficulty in swallowing: As the cancer progresses, you might experience difficulty in swallowing, which might be a cause for concern. If even gulping down a glass of water turns out to be a tedious task, it's time to consult a doctor without any delay. Here are 11 reasons you have trouble swallowing.

Difficulty in breathing: As the cancerous cells attack the upper throat/voice box, one of the common symptoms that you might experience is the shortness of breath or difficulty in breathing.

Cough with blood stain: Throat cancer can also manifest as a severe cough which worsens with time. In some cases, cough with a slight blood stain is considered to be a tell-a-tale sign of throat cancer. Read more about 11 possible causes of coughing up blood.

Vomiting: Most people tend to feel nauseous and might even suffer from frequent vomiting, which could indicate a high chance of throat cancer. So if this is quite common and you fail to show any improvement with medications, consult a doctor rather than ignoring it as a side-effect of food poisoning or indigestion.

If you experience any of these symptoms, it is a wise idea to go to a qualified medical practitioner than self-medicate or consult a wrong doctor. The right doctor to help you diagnose your condition in case of throat cancer is an ENT (Ear, Nose and Throat) specialist or ENT surgeon or oncologist.


The diagnosis of throat cancer includes -

Endoscopy: It is done with an endoscope as it helps you to get a closer look at the throat which is not the case in OPD examination. The procedure uses an endoscope (a special instrument with light) that is fitted with a tiny camera at the base of the endoscope, and the images are transmitted to a computer screen. Here is why endoscopy ultrasound is better than conventional endoscopy.

Biopsy: Endoscopy is followed by a biopsy to confirm the diagnosis and stage of the disease. In this, a tissue sample is collected from the affected area and sent for microbiological testing.

Imaging tests: Your doctor might recommend radiology and distant metastatic imaging for final staging of the disease. X-rays, computerised topography (CT scan), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) comprising of radiology and CT–PET (positron emission tomography) of upper abdomen, forms the part of distant metastatic imaging. These tests help in evaluating the entire body and determine the spread of cancer to other regions of the body.


The treatment of throat cancer depends upon the stage of the cancer. Throat cancer is classified into four stages -

Stage I and II: Classified as early stage of throat cancer, the survival chances are high if the person is suffering from stage I or II of the cancer. The common mode of treatment for these phases are single modality treatment which means only a single treatment option is chosen off the various options available. It usually includes surgery or radiation.

Stage III and IV: Known as the late or advanced stage of the cancer, the prognosis is very low in this case. The treatment for people suffering from stage three and four of throat cancer comprises a multi-modality treatment, which uses a combination of treatment options like surgery, chemotherapy and/or radiation therapy. However, a combination of treatments are also considered depending upon the response of treatment and severity of the cancer like -- surgery and chemotherapy, radiation and surgery and chemotherapy or radiation and chemotherapy and surgery. But ensure that tender love and care also plays a key role in improving the condition and helping the patient cope with the cancer treatment.


According to Dr Tapaswini, 80% of throat cancer is preventable and hence, keeping a tab on the risk factors can help you to prevent it.

Alcohol: As excessive consumption of alcohol can increase your likelihood of throat cancer by 70 - 75%, lower your intake of the same. Read how spirituality helps you stay away from drugs, alcohol.

Diet: A nutrient-rich diet can significantly lower your risk of throat cancer as it provides antioxidants which help you to fight free radicals and lower your risk of cancer. But ensure that you include fresh fruits and vegetables in the diet and not processed or packaged food to reap the benefits.Here are 7 antioxidants your body needs (and how to get them naturally)

Industrial chemicals: If you are working in industries like paint, coal, asbestos or leather, follow preventive measures like covering your mouth with a mask and avoid unwanted exposure to the pollutants as it could further put you at risk of throat cancer.

The content has been verified by Dr Tapaswini P. Sharma, Senior Consultant, Head & Neck Surgical Oncologist, BLK Cancer Centre, BLK Super Speciality Hospital, New Delhi.

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Hrithik had broken the news of his father's diagnosis via social media on Tuesday before the senior Roshan went in for surgery. The family's well-wishers, including Prime Minister Narendra Modi, prayed for his good health.

Actor-filmmaker Rakesh Roshan diagnosed with early stage cancer, undergoes surgery

"Got diagnosed with early-stage squamous cell carcinoma of the throat a few weeks ago, but he is in full spirits today as he proceeds to battle it," his son, Hrithik Roshan, shared on social media.

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Ludciged, Deputy Mayor of Ethiopia, who was diagnosed with advanced throat cancer underwent three major surgeries in Hyderabad, India.

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On this World Voice Day, we tell you how to arm yourself up against the foes of your vocal cord. Save your voice, to have one.

World Voice Day 2019: Caring for throat cancer

As we celebrate World Voice Day today, here is a low-down on throat cancer, an ailment that can rob you off your voice. Arm yourself up against this condition by spotting the symptoms early on and opting for the right treatment at the right time.

Rakesh Roshan says "all is okay" after surgery; here's what you should know about throat cancer

Hrithik had broken the news of his father's diagnosis via social media on Tuesday before the senior Roshan went in for surgery. The family's well-wishers, including Prime Minister Narendra Modi, prayed for his good health.

Actor-filmmaker Rakesh Roshan diagnosed with early stage cancer, undergoes surgery

"Got diagnosed with early-stage squamous cell carcinoma of the throat a few weeks ago, but he is in full spirits today as he proceeds to battle it," his son, Hrithik Roshan, shared on social media.

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Do you consume tobacco or smoke? Ankita Ghag, Clinical nutritionist, Vacchan Aarogya and InBody lists out what to eat and avoid when you're trying to quit it.

5 common question on throat cancer and its treatment answered

Dr Sanjiv Badhwar answers some of the frequently asked questions about throat cancer treatment.

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Few symptoms of oral cancer that you should never ignore

Kochi surgeons successfully carry out Asia's first trachea transplant

The highly complex procedure known as tracheal homograft has been carried out only once earlier in Belgium.

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Legendary Pak singer Reshma loses battle with throat cancer

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The star says he suffred fromt he extremely dangerous, tongue cancer, find out what the condition is all about.

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Beware - tight belts can give you throat cancer!

6 common symptoms of throat cancer you should know!

Changes in your voice, sore throat + more symptoms of throat cancer.

The 8 'key' Cancer Signs That Can Appear When You Eat

A pharmacy ambassador for pancreatic cancer has shed light on eight signs of the disease that can manifest while eating.

Often, we don't give much thought to what we're consuming. However, according to Ade Williams, a pharmacist ambassador for Pancreatic Cancer Action, it's something we should be more mindful of, especially if you unknowingly have cancer.

The award-winning pharmacist has shared the signs to watch out for when eating.

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Difficulty swallowing (dysphagia)

If you experience increased pain while swallowing food, it might not just be due to a sore throat.

Williams clarified: "This can often be mistaken for acid reflux or anxiety-related swallowing issues. It can signal oesophageal cancer, throat cancer or stomach cancer."

Persistent indigestion or heartburn

Again, a burning sensation in the chest or stomach isn't always related to the food you're eating.

Williams notes: "This can be misdiagnosed as acid reflux, gastritis or peptic ulcers, but could signal stomach cancer, oesophageal cancer and pancreatic cancer."

Feeling full quickly

The health expert cautioned: "This could be attributed to IBS, peptic ulcers, or poor appetite. But this is often an early symptom of pancreatic cancer, ovarian cancer and stomach cancer."

Nausea or vomiting

Don't mistake frequent sickness for the aftermath of a heavy night out. If you're feeling nauseous or vomiting regularly, it could be a sign of something more serious.

Williams cautioned: "People may think they have food poisoning, gastritis, or even migraines. This is also an early symptom of pancreatic cancer, stomach cancer and brain tumours (which can affect the vomiting centre in the brain)."

Unexplained weight loss

While losing weight can be beneficial if you're trying to improve your BMI, unexplained weight loss could be a cause for concern.

Williams explained: "This could be associated with stress, hyperthyroidism, or dietary changes. This is also indicative of many different cancers, including stomach, pancreatic cancer, oesophageal, and lung cancer."

Abdominal pain or discomfort

Experiencing pain after eating could be a warning sign of cancer, according to Williams.

He added: "It's often perceived as gallstones, IBS, or peptic ulcers. But this is a very common symptom of pancreatic cancer, especially if it gets worse when you lie down, liver cancer, stomach cancer and bowel cancer."

Change in bowel habits

Despite recent studies linking constipation to heart disease, Williams also suggests it can be a red flag for cancer. This includes diarrhoea and changes in stool consistency.

Williams noted: "Many people interpret this as IBS, lactose intolerance, or dietary changes."

"But it is often an early symptom for pancreatic cancer, notably, if the stools are pale, fatty and difficult to flush."


This term refers to the yellowing of skin and eyes, accompanied by dark-coloured urine and pale stools.

Williams concludes: "This is often mistaken for hepatitis, gallstones, or liver disease."

"But this is also an early symptom of pancreatic cancer, liver cancer and bile duct cancer."


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