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cervical polyp discharge :: Article Creator

Are Cervical Polyps Common?

Cervical polyps are very common indeed and, as you say, they can interfere with taking a smear test. A polyp is no more than an overgrowth of one small area of the lining of the cervix.

They are usually quite small, no more than half a centimetre in length, but up to 1.5cm is not uncommon. Some specific types of polyps can get quite large - for example a fibroid polyp, which arises from an overgrowth of the uterus muscle can be up to 10 or 15cm long!

As well as making smear testing difficult, they can also cause spotting between your periods or after intercourse, and this would be a good reason to have it removed. Although they are not harmful, in an older woman particularly, it would usually be advisable to remove all cervical polyps to ensure that there is no doubt about the diagnosis.

Polyps can often be removed either by your GP or after referral to a gynaecology clinic at the first visit. The doctor will place a speculum, like when a smear is taken, then use a tweezer-like instrument to grasp the polyp. The polyp is then gently twisted off - in practice, it is nowhere near as gruesome as it sounds!

There is no need for anaesthetic, as the polyp doesn't carry any nerves that cause pain, and the whole procedure is over in about 2 minutes. You might experience some spotting for the next 24 hours, so take some protection with you.

If the polyp is quite thick at the base, then it may need a separate visit to be done under local anaesthetic in another department - the colposcopy clinic. Occasionally a day-surgery general anaesthetic is needed.

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