Armpit Lump: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

prostate cancer frequent urination at night :: Article Creator

10 Signs And Symptoms Of Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer usually does not cause symptoms in the early stages. Signs of prostate cancer can include frequent urination, weak or interrupted urine stream, painful ejaculation, blood in urine or semen, and erectile dysfunction as the disease progresses.

It doesn't necessarily mean you have prostate cancer if you have these symptoms. Other conditions that affect the prostate, such as benign prostatic hyperplasia (enlarged prostate), cause similar symptoms.

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The prostate is a walnut-sized gland located in the lower pelvis in front of the rectum and just below the bladder in the male reproductive system. The prostate wraps around the urethra, a tube that empties urine from the bladder. A tumor can press on or constrict the urethra, causing frequent urination, urinary urgency, and difficulty urinating. Frequent Urination and Nocturia  Frequent urination is the need to urinate more than usual. Most people don't know how many times they urinate each day. People with prostate cancer may notice they are making more bathroom trips than normal.  Nocturia, or excessive nighttime urination, is when you wake up more than once a night to urinate. The body slows down urine production at night, which allows most people to sleep between six to eight hours without waking to use the bathroom. Nocturia can be a symptom of prostate cancer, but there are many other causes, such as aging.  Urinary Urgency  Prostate cancer can cause a sudden, overwhelming need to urinate right away. Urinary urgency can make it difficult to "hold it" and may be accompanied by discomfort in the bladder or urinary tract.  Difficulty Urinating  Having trouble urinating, known as urinary hesitancy, can include problems with starting the stream of urine, a weak or slow stream, or a stream that frequently starts and stops. Feeling like the bladder is not completely emptied and dribbling (leaking) urine are also possible signs of prostate cancer. Other symptoms of prostate cancer may also occur. These less common symptoms include painful ejaculation, blood in the urine or semen, and erectile dysfunction. Painful Ejaculation  Pain during or immediately after ejaculation can be a sign of prostate cancer. You may feel pain in the penis, testes, rectum, or lower abdomen. Painful ejaculations range from mild discomfort to excruciating and may last a few seconds or longer. Blood in the Urine or Semen  Blood in the urine (hematuria) or in the semen (hematospermia) can occur when a tumor in the prostate gland presses on the urethra or surrounding glands and blood vessels. A tumor can irritate or block these structures, causing blood to appear in urine or semen. Sudden Onset Erectile Dysfunction  Erectile dysfunction is when it is difficult to get or keep an erection. Aging is a common cause, but it is typically gradual in onset. Sudden onset erectile dysfunction, in contrast, may be a sign of prostate cancer. This can occur when a tumor compresses or damages nerves that control blood flow to the penis. Other symptoms can occur if the cancer has metastasized (spread) outside of the prostate. Advanced symptoms include pain, swelling in the legs or feet, unintentional weight loss, and numbness and weakness. Pain in the Back, Hips, or Chest The bones are almost always the first part of the body affected when prostate cancer spreads. This is known as bone metastases. Cancer can spread to any area of the body, but the back, hips, and ribs are the most common sites of bone metastases. Swelling in the Legs or Feet Swelling in the legs and feet may occur when prostate cancer spreads to the lymph nodes in the pelvis. The lymph nodes are part of the lymphatic system, which collects excess fluid from body tissues and organs, filters it, and returns it back to the bloodstream. Fluid can build up and lead to swelling when cancer cells enter lymph nodes and block lymph drainage channels.  Unintentional Weight Loss Unintentional weight loss is often a sign of advanced prostate cancer. Cancer cells demand a lot of the body's energy supply, causing the body to burn more calories than normal. Fatigue is common in advanced prostate cancer and can also contribute to weight loss. Numbness and Weakness in Limbs A tumor may compress the spinal cord and cause a range of symptoms when cancer spreads to the spine. Symptoms include numbness, tingling, and weakness in the arms and legs. Loss of control of the bladder and bowel may also occur. This can lead to incontinence (leaking urine or feces) or difficulty emptying the bladder or bowel.  See a healthcare provider if you have prostate cancer symptoms. Not everyone who experiences these symptoms has prostate cancer. Other conditions that affect the prostate, such as benign prostatic hyperplasia (enlarged prostate), cause similar symptoms. A healthcare provider can investigate to determine the cause and provide treatment. Prostate cancer is a slow-growing disease that does not usually cause symptoms in the early stages. More advanced prostate cancer may cause symptoms such as frequent urination, a weak urine stream, erectile dysfunction, and blood in the urine or semen. Other prostate conditions, such as an enlarged prostate, cause similar symptoms.  It's important to make an appointment with a healthcare provider if you have prostate cancer symptoms. They can find and treat the cause. 

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Youthful Prostate Review: What Does The Science Say About The Ingredients?

Youthful Prostate is a prostate health supplement created by Dr. Sam Walters and the team at Vitality Now.

Marketed primarily to men with symptoms of an enlarged prostate (BPH), Youthful Prostate uses a blend of natural ingredients to promote prostate health.

Please keep reading to find out everything you need to know about Youthful Prostate and whether it lives up to the hype today in our review.

What is Youthful Prostate?

Youthful Prostate is a nutritional supplement featuring natural ingredients to promote prostate health.

Developed by NASA alumnus and naturopath Dr. Sam Walters, Youthful Prostate uses eight nutrients to get your prostate "running at optimal levels and protect you from long-term damage," according to Vitality Now.

To activate these effects, take two capsules of Youthful Prostate daily. The eight active ingredients work throughout the night to promote normal prostate size, boost nutrient absorption, and enhance overall prostate health.

Youthful Prostate is usually priced at $114 per bottle. However, as part of a 2024 promotion, Vitality Now has reduced the price to $69 per bottle when ordered directly online today.

Youthful Prostate Benefits

Some of the benefits of Youthful Prostate include:

  • Natural ingredients to promote prostate health
  • Support optimal prostate function
  • Reclaim control of bladder
  • Boost sexual health and erectile function
  • Made in the United States in FDA-registered, GMP-certified facility
  • Backed by 180-day moneyback guarantee
  • Order your supply of Youthful Prostate now by clicking here to start enjoying its benefits!

    How Does Youthful Prostate Work?

    Youthful Prostate contains a blend of eight natural ingredients linked to prostate health and normal prostate size.

    These eight ingredients were discovered by Dr. Sam Walters and selected based on his 50+ years of experience in natural medicine.

    The natural ingredients in Youthful Prostate work in different ways to promote prostate health. Some have a long history of use in traditional medicine, where they were historically used to promote male health and vitality. Others are newer ingredients backed by modern scientific evidence.

    Some of the ingredients in Youthful Prostate target prostate size, while others target blood flow, urinary health, or general wellness.

    Who is Dr. Sam Walters?

    Youthful Prostate was formulated by a naturopathic doctor named Dr. Sam Walters, who also creates other Vitality Now supplements, like Youthful Brain.

    Dr. Sam Walters has been practicing naturopathic medicine for 50+ years. Over his career, he claims to have helped over 100,000 patients treat various conditions "without any dangerous medication or controversial methods." Instead, Dr. Walters has a natural approach to medicine.

    Before creating supplements for Vitality Now, Dr. Walters was a nutritional scientist at NASA, where he was responsible for developing dietary solutions for astronauts. He describes this as "the greatest honor of my career."

    Dr. Walters later operated a private medical practice in Scottsdale, Arizona, specializing in longevity and brain health.

    Here's how Dr. Walters summarizes his approach to natural medicine and healing:

    "More often than not, what you need to restore your body and get it running at optimal levels can be found in Mother Nature. Given to us by God himself."

    With Youthful Prostate, Dr. Walters has turned his attention to prostate health, aiming to use natural ingredients to solve prostate health problems.

    Get started with Youthful Prostate today!

    Symptoms of BPH

    Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), or an enlarged prostate, is an inevitable part of aging for many men. Approximately 50% of men over 50 have an enlarged prostate. By age 70 and above, more than 90% of men deal with prostate problems.

    Dr. Walters became interested in treating prostate problems using natural medicine after noticing many patients at his clinic complaining about prostate problems.

    Men would come to Dr. Walters' clinic complaining about common symptoms of prostate health problems, including:

  • Difficulty starting or stopping urination
  • Waking up one or more times at night to pee
  • Sexual performance issues and erectile dysfunction
  • Frequent urination
  • Incomplete bladder emptying
  • Some men also experience symptoms similar to colds and flu because of their prostate problems – like chills, nausea, fever, and headaches.

    With Youthful Prostate, Dr. Walters aims to solve all these problems using the power of natural ingredients.

    Youthful Prostate Traces Its Roots to The Bible

    Dr. Walters traces the ingredients in Youthful Prostate back to a surprising source: The Bible.

    Dr. Walters was treating a patient named John, who was struggling with prostate problems. None of Dr. Walters' recommended solutions worked, so he prayed to God to find the solution.

    Dr. Walters picked up his Bible and read the Book of John one night. Specifically, he read John 5:2, which tells the story of a man who had been waiting for years by the Pool of Bethesda for a cure for his mysterious illness. Jesus eventually cured the man.

    Although Dr. Walters isn't comparing himself to Jesus, he was confident nature had the solution to prostate problems – and that nature's solution would be better than Big Pharma's artificial treatments.

    Click here to find out more about Youthful Prostate >>>

    Youthful Prostate Targets Two Root Causes of Prostate Problems

    Youthful Prostate works by targeting the two root causes of prostate health problems, including DHT production and prostatitis:

    Target #1: Reduce DHT Production: Saw palmetto and other ingredients in Youthful Prostate could inhibit the production of dihydrotestosterone or DHT. As you get older, your body converts more testosterone into DHT, which can contribute to an enlarged prostate, hair loss, and low testosterone levels, among other issues. One of the primary goals of Youthful Prostate is to reduce DHT production, stopping your body from converting testosterone into DHT.

    Target #2: Defeat BPH and Prostatitis: Not all prostate problems are caused by BPH. Some are caused by inflammation of the prostate, a condition known as prostatitis. Youthful Prostate aims to defeat BPH and prostatitis, tackling two of the most common root causes of prostate problems.

    Youthful Prostate Ingredients

    Each Youthful Prostate capsule contains eight natural ingredients linked to prostate health, urinary flow, and normal prostate size. Many of these ingredients have roots in The Bible.

    Dr. Walters claims to have identified these ingredients over three months, using a rigorous research and development process to identify and analyze them before confirming they worked as advertised. He describes the eight final ingredients as the "Sacred 8."

    Here are all of the active ingredients in Youthful Prostate and how they work:

    Saw Palmetto Extract: Saw palmetto extract has a long history of being used by Native Americans to boost health and vitality. The palm grows naturally in the southern coastal regions of the United States. Indigenous peoples of North America knew it could help with urinary issues. Today, science has confirmed this effect. Studies show it can also help with hair loss, hormone balance, and inflammation. For all of these reasons and more, Dr. Walters describes saw palmetto as the "cornerstone" of his prostate formula.

    Pygeum Africanum: Pygeum Africanum is an extract from the bark of a prune tree. It's native to the island of Madagascar and other parts of Africa. Dr. Walters describes it as an "amazing nutrient" that is "packed with anti-inflammatory properties." According to Dr. Walters, the nutrient can "inhibit the production of DHT," while also helping with inflammation, urinary health, and overall prostate function.

    Get Youthful Prostate for the best price today!

    Stinging Nettle Extract: When combined with the two ingredients listed above, stinging nettle extract makes a "triple threat" against prostate problems. It is packed with phytosterols, flavonoids, and lignans, all of which are known for their natural anti-inflammatory effects. According to Dr. Walters' research, it also inhibits an enzyme linked to DHT, helping to inhibit the root cause of prostate problems. Some studies have also specifically connected stinging nettle to improved urinary flow.

    Boron: Boron is a mineral best known for its effects on bone health. However, growing research has connected boron to prostate health, and studies show men deficient in boron tend to have worse hormone balance—and worse BPH symptoms—than men who get their daily recommended amount of boron. Boron appears to play an essential role in regulating the testosterone-to-estrogen ratio. Dr. Walters cites one study showing boron supplementation improved prostate-specific antigen (PSA) levels, a biomarker of prostate health.

    Panax Ginseng: Dr. Walters describes ginseng as "an ancient herb" native to forests throughout Asia. Ginseng has a long history of use in the traditional medicine practices of Korea, Siberia, and China, where it's known as a natural energy booster and general wellness aid. It's also known as a natural libido booster. Dr. Walters' research found ginseng was "renowned for its ability to improve erectile dysfunction and sexual performance," which is why he added it to Youthful Prostate.

    Lycopene: Lycopene, a natural antioxidant molecule in tomatoes and certain other foods is found in many prostate health supplements. According to studies cited by Dr. Walters, it's been shown to affect prostate-specific antigen levels.

    Vitamin E: Intake of vitamin E is associated with a reduced risk of prostate problems. Vitamin E, along with vitamin C, is one of nature's best antioxidants. It neutralizes free radicals and reactive oxygen species linked to inflammation, helping you target the root cause of prostate problems.

    Grape Seed Extract: Grape seed extract contains natural antioxidants like resveratrol, which are linked to prostate and overall health. Many men with BPH also struggle with inflammation, and the grape seed extract in Youthful Prostate can attack this inflammation at the source.

    You won't find a better deal on Youthful Prostate anywhere else!

    Youthful Prostate vs. Other Prostate Solutions

    There are other prostate health options available today, including prostate drugs and prostate supplements. What makes Youthful Prostate unique? Why pick Youthful Prostate over competing options?

    Dr. Walters specifically answers this question, exploring the difference between his formula and other prostate solutions:

    Prostate drugs often work as 5-alpha reductase inhibitors. They reduce the activity of the natural chemical (a testosterone derivative) linked to an enlarged prostate in the first place. Some work short-term, but many cause dangerous long-term side effects.

    Prostate supplements often contain beta-sitosterol and phospholipids, both of which have been connected to prostate health in some studies. However, Dr. Walters warns these ingredients have been linked to serious digestive problems like diarrhea and nausea.

    Many supplements contain cheap filler ingredients instead of expensive, science-backed ingredients. These ingredients may look good from the outside of the bottle, but the supplement rarely carries a strong enough dosage to promote prostate health.

    Many prostate drugs and supplements don't provide long-term results. They work temporarily to help with prostate health, but they don't target the root cause.

    Some prostate drugs and supplements "cause devastating sexual deficiencies," according to Dr. Walters, including low libido and ED. You might solve one prostate problem only to experience a different issue.

    After observing the drawbacks of existing solutions, Dr. Walters wanted to create something better – so he developed Youthful Prostate.

    How to Take Youthful Prostate

    Dr. Walters recommends taking two capsules of Youthful Prostate daily for at least 90 days to experience results. Some of the ingredients work quickly, while others take a longer period to work.

    Order Youthful Prostate today and be glad you did!

    What to Expect After Taking Youthful Prostate

    Some of the benefits you could experience after taking Youthful Prostate, according to Dr. Walters, include:

    Significantly Improve Prostate Health: The ingredients in Youthful Prostate are "guaranteed to improve prostate health significantly," according to Dr. Walters. These ingredients include natural antioxidants, urinary flow enhancers, and minerals linked to hormone balance.

    Correct Urinary Issues: Prostate problems can make urinating and emptying the bladder difficult. Youthful Prostate aims to correct urinary issues, helping you urinate more easily.

    Protect Against Long-Term Issues: Youthful Prostate doesn't just claim to solve prostate problems today; it also claims to protect against long-term prostate problems in the future. The natural ingredients in Youthful Prostate work today and over time to promote optimal prostate health and urinary function.

    Promote Better Bladder Control: Many men with prostate problems struggle in social situations. They constantly worry about having a bathroom nearby. Youthful Prostate can promote better bladder control, helping you relax in all situations.

    Boost Sexual Health & Function: At least one of the ingredients in Youthful Prostate, ginseng, was chosen specifically for its ability to impact sexual health. Ginseng is frequently used for ED, and studies show it can help with erectile dysfunction. Other ingredients in Youthful Prostate, including antioxidants, could also boost sexual health and function.

    Fight Prostatitis: Youthful Prostate doesn't just claim to fight benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH); it also claims to fight inflammation of the prostate gland, a condition called prostatitis. Both conditions lead to a larger-than-normal prostate and have similar symptoms.

    Results Within 90 Days: Some ingredients in Youthful Prostate go to work immediately. Others accumulate over time. Dr. Walters recommends taking Youthful Prostate for at least 90 days to assess the effects.

    Shop now and get Youthful Prostate at the best price!

    Scientific Evidence for Youthful Prostate

    Youthful Prostate was developed by a respected doctor: naturopathic doctor Dr. Sam Walters. Dr. Walters references dozens of studies to justify the eight ingredients in Youthful Prostate, including double-masked, placebo-controlled clinical trials published by leading universities in peer-reviewed medical journals. We'll review the science behind Youthful Prostate below.

    According to the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health, saw palmetto has been connected to prostate health in some studies but not others. The organization cites a 2014 study, for example, where men took 320mg of saw palmetto extract and lycopene (both found in Youthful Prostate) daily for 6 to 12 months and experienced a significant improvement in flow rate. Researchers found the combination was superior to using tamsulosin (a popular prostate drug) alone.

    According to Mount Sinai, BPH is the most common general use for stinging nettle. The plant is "used widely in Europe to treat BPH," according to the medical organization. Saw palmetto could help with urinary flow, bladder emptying, post-urination dripping, and an urge to urinate, among other issues. Mount Sinai acknowledges that researchers aren't sure why stinging nettle works: there's no evidence it decreases prostate size, for example.

    Boron is an essential nutrient in Youthful Prostate, and some take boron daily for prostate health. In a cohort study, researchers explored the idea that boron supplementation "may prevent prostate cancer," although researchers found no formal evidence connecting boron usage to prostate cancer.

    Some ingredients in Youthful Prostate are built to target other areas of male health – like erectile dysfunction. Ginseng, for example, was added to the formula specifically for its effects on sexual health. In a Cochrane review cited by Dr. Walters, researchers found that ginseng had a proven impact on ED, substantially improving International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF) scores.

    Overall, Youthful Prostate contains a blend of natural ingredients linked to prostate health, prostate size, and overall sexual function, and science validates all eight of the doctor-selected ingredients within the formula.

    Youthful Prostate Pricing

    Youthful Prostate usually costs $114 per bottle. However, Vitality Now has launched a 2024 promotion, reducing the price to as little as $49 per bottle.

    Here's how much you pay when ordering Youthful Prostate online today:

  • 1 Bottle: $69 + Shipping
  • 3 Bottles: $177 ($59 Per bottle) + Free Shipping
  • 6 Bottles: $294 ($49 Per bottle) + Free Shipping
  • Each bottle of Youthful Prostate contains 60 capsules or a 30-day supply. To promote prostate health, take two capsules daily.

    Youthful Prostate Refund Policy

    Youthful Prostate has a 180-day money-back guarantee like all Vitality Now supplements. If you're unhappy with your purchase for any reason, you can request a refund within 180 days by returning the bottle, even if used or empty.

    About Vitality Now

    Vitality Now is a US-based nutritional supplement company led by NASA alumnus Dr. Sam Walters. The company manufactures Youthful Prostate in a GMP-certified, FDA-registered facility in the United States.

    Headquartered in Tallmadge, Ohio, Vitality Now is best known for popular supplements like Youthful Brain. The company also manufactures supplements like Youthful Sleep, Stem Cell Renew, EndoCan Relief, and Fungus Exodus.

    You can contact Vitality Now and the Youthful Prostate customer service team through the following:

  • Email: care@vitalitynow.Org
  • Phone: 1 (800) 599-0746
  • Mailing Address: 285 Northeast Ave, Tallmadge, OH 44278
  • Final Word

    Youthful Prostate is a prostate health supplement available exclusively online through the Vitality Now store.

    Developed by a naturopathic doctor based on Biblical wisdom, the formula uses stinging nettle, saw palmetto, boron, and five other natural ingredients to promote prostate health.

    (Flash Sale) Purchase Youthful Prostate For The Lowest Prices!!

    What Cancer Did Darren Dutchyshen Have? TSN Star's Death Prompts More Than 5,000% Spike In Web Searches

    This article is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Contact a qualified medical professional before engaging in any physical activity, or making any changes to your diet, medication or lifestyle.

    Darren Dutchyshen (left) and Amanda Doyle made headlines this week for their battles with cancer. (Images via CP/Instagram/@GlennonDoyle)

    When headline-making news leaves Canadians with more questions than answers, our first stop is often to turn to the internet with our most pressing concerns.

    This week, Canadians were saddened to learn of the death of TSN sports commentator Darren Dutchyshen.

    Earlier this week, Dutchyshen's family announced the 57-year-old died on May 15, "surrounded by his closest loved ones." The Porcupine Plain, Sask. Native is survived by his three children from his previous marriage, Tyler, Brett and Paige and his partner, TSN and SportsCentre host Kate Bierness.

    The news prompted a more than 5,000 per cent increase in queries to learn more about the Dutchyshen's death.

    What kind of cancer did Darren Dutchyshen have?

    Although his family did not confirm a cause of death, TSN reported that Dutchyshen died following "a long battle with prostate cancer."

    In Sept. 2021, Dutchyshen revealed he was diagnosed with prostate cancer and was absent from work for a year while receiving treatment. The Toronto Star reported the diagnosis was prompted by constant pain in Dutchyshen's back, which he learned was prostate cancer that had metastasized to his spine. He returned to on-air duties the following September and told viewers that the cancer had spread throughout his body.

    "It's not the kind of cancer where you ring a bell. So it's still in the base of my skull, my ribs, my legs, hips, and stuff like that, but it's treatable, and I feel really, really good. And the place that I feel best is right here," Dutchyshen said.

    According to the Toronto Star, Dutchyshen was able to continue working until December 2023, when the cancer spread to his lungs. He was able to go on a European vacation with Bierness, but his health forced the couple to end their trip early.

    What are the signs of prostate cancer?

    Following news of Dutchyshen's death, web searches for the warning signs of prostate cancer increased by more than 5,000 per cent.

    Prostate cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer for men. According to the Canadian Cancer Society, approximately 24,000 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer this year.

    The prostate gland is located just below the bladder and surrounds the urethra; it produces fluid that along with sperm makes up semen. Approximately 95 per cent of all prostate cancers are adenocarcinoma, which begins in the gland cells.

    Darren Dutchyshen (pictured at the 2015 MuchMusic Video Awards) died on May 15. (Photo by George Pimentel/WireImage)

    Symptoms of prostate cancer may include painful urination, blood in the urine or semen, painful ejaculation, frequent urge to urinate (especially at night), weakened stream of urine and pain in the hips, pelvis or back. Weight loss, kidney problems and bone pain could also be signs that cancer has spread or advanced.

    Unlike other forms of cancer, prostate cancers are usually slow growing; cells can begin changing up to 30 years before tumours become large enough to cause symptoms. By the time symptoms appear the cancer may have spread.

    What kind of cancer does Amanda Doyle have?

    Amanda Doyle, author Glennon Doyle's sister and the co-host of the "We Can Do Hard Things" podcast, recently announced she was diagnosed with breast cancer. Doyle announced the news on a recent episode of the hit podcast, prompting a 4,800 per cent increase in web searches for Doyle and her health condition.

    "Three weeks ago I was informed that a biopsy that I had revealed breast cancer. The first couple of weeks were very much a rollercoaster of, 'What does that mean? How bad is it? What is the prognosis?' All of that," the 45-year-old said. "It's just kind of a doozy. I don't know that it's ever not surprising to people to learn something like this."

    Breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer for women in Canada. According to the Canadian Cancer Society, it's estimated that 30,500 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in 2024 with approximately 15 women dying from breast cancer each day.

    Doyle decided to have genetic testing done following the death of a friend from cancer. When her results worried her, Doyle went to a facility for cancer prevention and learned that she had three times higher the risk for developing cancer "sometime in her life" due to her family history and the density of her breasts. Even though she went for yearly mammograms, a baseline MRI detected cancer.

    "I was just sitting on the side of the road with my cell phone and it was very eerie and odd," she said. "I remember being like, 'Holy sh—, I saved my life.'"

    Speak to your healthcare provider about assessing your risk for cancer. One way to determine wither you are at risk for breast cancer is the Breast Cancer Risk Assessment Tool (BCRAT), which uses risk factors such as genetic history, lifestyle and reproductive history to estimate a person's risk of developing invasive breast cancer over the next five years and up to age 90.

    Let us know what you think by commenting below and tweeting @YahooStyleCA! Follow us on Twitter and Instagram.


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